2017 Conference Videos
Enabling High-Value/High-Impact, Patient-Centered Cancer Research and Care through Convergences in Innovation
Advances in fundamental science and clinical research are giving us novel and highly effective tools to address the complexities of cancer. Coupled with rapid innovation in technology, we have the opportunity to harness these convergences to enable substantive improvements in patient outcomes and address challenging issues of sustainable costs for our society. George D. Demetri, M.D., Associate Director for Clinical Sciences, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Co-Director, Ludwig Center at Harvard; Member, Board of Directors, American Association of Cancer Research, addresses how value, innovation, and patient access are expected to remain key areas of concern, rendering meaningful patient engagement more necessary in cancer research and care, as we seek to identify new pathways toward the rapid translation of research into delivery of high-value, patient-centered care.
Panel 1: Patient Introductory Discussion: Patient Perspectives: Patient-Centered Care
The field of oncology has experienced a boom of innovation in terms of tools and medicines available to treat cancer, while simultaneously having to ensure patients have access to high-value oncology care. This patient-focused panel explores the challenges and opportunities patients with cancer face at this quickly evolving intersection. Patients discuss how they understand value in cancer care, what outcomes matter most to them as individuals, and what questions they hope both the panelists and oncology community at-large will address. Topics brought forward in this panel are infused throughout the conference, and the panel is brought back at the end of the day for their reactions.
Panel 2: Incorporating Patient-Driven Value Measures into Oncology
This panel synthesizes how patients define and understand value, and elucidates how stakeholders, including physicians, payers and the biopharmaceutical industry, can apply this information to the identification and collection of outcomes data that matter to patients.
Spotlight: Partnering to Deliver High-Value Care for Patients
This discussion aims to encourage stakeholders from the community to advance innovative approaches to high-value care, from value-based contracting, to value assessment, to quality measurement. This spotlight brings together executives from the healthcare ecosystem to discuss why partnerships deliver better value for patients, what collaborative strategies improve value, and how other executives can operationalize similar strategies to support high-quality patient care.
Opening of Afternoon Session
Edward Abrahams, Ph.D., President, Personalized Medicine Coalition, opens the afternoon session at the Turning the Tide Against Cancer 2017 National Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 29, 2017.
Maximizing Collective Impact to Benefit Patients
New models to accelerate the translation of scientific discovery into clinical care are rapidly emerging, but how do we ensure these approaches are patient-centered, incorporate the latest clinical evidence, and maximize impact that will benefit patients? William S. Dalton, Ph.D., M.D., Founder and Chief Executive Officer, M2Gen; Director, DeBartolo Family Personalized Medicine Institute at Moffitt Cancer Center, and Kathy Giusti, M.B.A., Founder, Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation; Co-Chair, HBS Kraft Precision Medicine Accelerator; Multiple Myeloma Survivor, focus on recent efforts to bring together the ecosystem of healthcare stakeholders to identify solutions that can lead to positive and lasting systems change.
Panel 3: Supporting Evidence-Based Decision Making at the Point of Care
Stakeholders are increasingly seeking ways to improve health outcomes for cancer patients, while simultaneously making oncology care more efficient. Cancer care is also becoming increasingly personalized. Today, the delivery of high-value, personalized oncology care requires that the healthcare provider, patient, and payer have access to and can interpret massive amounts of data, which are not yet provided in easily used ways. Decision-support tools, which can help identify the right treatment for the right patient, at the right time, have the potential to promote individualized, high-quality care while lowering costs, if well designed and used appropriately. This panel gives a brief overview of the types of tools currently in use, and explores the benefits of these tools, where gaps exist, and moves toward consensus on how we can optimize these tools to support decision making in the clinic.
Panel 4: Patient Closing Discussion: Patient Perspectives: Moving Forward?
The morning’s patient-focused panel is invited back and reacts to the themes discussed throughout the day.
Call to Action and Conference Closing
Amy Abernethy, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer, Chief Scientific Officer, Vice President, Oncology, Flatiron Health, delivers closing remarks at the Turning the Tide Against Cancer 2017 National Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 29, 2017.